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Way better

This is leaps and bound better than the first one, a bit shorter but everything was better. Graphics, Voice Acting, The fight scenes. I like how Dante didn't just use Rebellion and Ebony & Ivory and you made him use all his other weapons. Good job look forward to the 3rd one.

SiMpSoN-bRuVaS responds:

ty =ppppppp xD dude ur kingdom hearts series rocks

I liked Piconjo's movie much more

Graphics: yeah they are good

Style: No, this is why family guy is crap. I bunch of random gags that refrence popular pop-culture in flash backs that have no affilation to the plot. Stupid.

Sound: Words can not describe how much I hate those voices, the music in the credits were decent though.

Violence: ...

Interactivity: (see violence)

Humor: So now people rip off the simpsons AND point out they are ripping it off so it will make them look original, lame. Stop milking popular internet fads and tv shows. I know simpsons have done almost everything but I hate when people blatantly rip it off like in this movie.

Wonchop responds:


I don't normally call things gay...

But this was more gay then a room full of penises.

First off, yes smoking can kill you, so what, so can slipping in the shower and I don't see people stop taking showers. People who smoke have long lives anyway, nobody wants to live past 80 years old. People smoke to releve everyday stress and I hate when stupid anti-smokers push thier beilifs onto them. It's their body, let them do what ever they want to it. I hope your not one of the idiots who thinks second hand smoke can give you cancer.
(I am a non-smoker FYI)

Oh btw, I don't think the movie is gay for anti-smoking. I think it is gay and nerdy for ripping off 8-bit theater and using the crappy FF1 theme.

-Your Pal GoldCrow

IvanLythandar responds:

I have an idea, how about you try constructive critisism next time? Also I didn't rip off 8-bit theater. If you didn't notice, 8-bit theater is just a cartoon made with the sprites, and added some personalities to them. I have a single personality in there, and that was the +5 to charisma statement. Also I don't care if people smoke, I never got to pick the topic, so I'm not pushing my "beliefs" on anyone. Also, FF1 was an awsome game, and alot of people I know think it rocks. I also said that if you can't handle 8-bit graphics to just leave. You should have taken the advice.

I'll be blunt

-Plot holes
-stupid idea
-just what newgrounds needs, ANOTHER FF6 animation that the author will never finish
-I bet Kefka will come back to life (OMG ORIGINAL)
-Just plain bad

Keep in mind im insulting the movie, not you.

Blahblahboy responds:

You can have your opinion but I just want to clear some thing up. I AM planning to finish it and bringing Kefka back to life IS just stupid and original.

Pretty good

I'm not into sprite movies like this because they tend to make me a bit drowsy...anyway

This seemed more Kingdom Hearts then Final Fantasy (which I like because final fantasy plots in flash movies are almost the same). You should put voices onto the characters or atleast rip battle grunts from the game it will make it WAY more intresting to watch. I really like these, hope you make more. Oh yeah one more thing, how did Vexen make a lightning bolt, isn't his element ice?

SneakyBrothers responds:

Vexen was posessed in the previous chapter and that unknown character who posessed him can use more elemental spells than Vexen.

Thank you for reviewing.

nice movie

Good movie and all but what caught my attention is your profile picture. It screams "Do me a favore".

Knox responds:

i dont get it o.o

is that a bad thing?

I watched them all

That's right, I went from #1 to #56

What I liked: You managed to keep me entertained, You have lots of characters and understandable story, some slick drawn characters, voice acting in a sprite movie.

What I did not like: The fact you ripped of so much stuff, here's a list of the stuff in which you ripped ideas from.
-Megaman Battle Network

Even though this rips off so much stuff keep making it, it has me a semi-fan.

Kirbopher responds:

Haven't you ever heard of a PARODY? I'm well aware that many of the those series have had some things from them used in TTA. Did it ever once cross your mind that I'm doing that to pay tribute to those series'? I hate how people keep thinking that ANYTHING that's like something else is automatically 'a ripoff'.


I don't beileve there are stupid authors, just stupid movies. I have said this so many times it isn't funny; FF6 movies are unoriginal uselly just add on to the primiss of the original game. This one was no exeption. It was just another FF6 movie overusing Kefka's lame laugh. Add in some battles of other characters fighting each other. These kinds of movies getting a high score is basicly taking a piss on anyone who scored lower than it. Im not trying to be mean here, it's the truth, and I'm not going to lie to like your friends and say it's awesome and desearves awards.

Ever wonder why I stopped animating? I actually didn't, I still make sprite movies in fact I have made alot. I choose not to submit them because;
A. Originally making Sprite movies was just a hobby I did for fun and showed them to friends.
B. If I submited them it will look like all my stuff is the same and therefore making me look unoriginal doing the same thing over and over again. I want to learn how to script a game so atleast my sprite work can be diffrent.

Saying people who don't like sprites not to review is as bias as them leaving a bad review saying the hate sprites. Would you be complaining if all your reviews said "I love FF sprites!"? last time I checked that's a biased opinion. You should have just put "If you hate sprites be the first to watch this and vote 0, also leave bad review". Because it's inevitable they are going to watch/vote on it.
Just remember a real friend tells the truth...even though I'm not your friend, you get what I mean...

HAcoreRD responds:

That wasn't where i was aiming with the bias speech. read the 2 zero reviews where Cannibus_Clock zeroes me for no reason. What I'm trying to get across is (i know i'm guilty of it in the past) people abuse the NG vote system and are bias in reviews. Examples would be If you hate foamy you give all 0s, even though a 1 is minimum cause the movie at hand hand work put into it. We're not friends but I do listen to your words, and this isn't like 2 years ago where i was like "anyone who votes low is sprite hater" because i'm appealing to one crowd, i know this but if you love or hate sprites or love/hate me you just can't 0 a entry because of your feeling without judgng quality. Whew. there said it. ^^

Less Clicking

Yes I know you could click a button the keyboard to. But most usrs want to sit back, eat some chips, drink some pop, and maybe masturbait. To get the timing right so it's; not to fast, not to slow.
Read the line over and time how long it takes you to read it and add an extra second to that time for slow readers. Or you could just put in voice acting which would be better (Easy to find people on the NGBBS).

Also try to find more ways to make your episodes. Like make it interactive like what that guy who makes those Chrono Trigger Unglues things. If you are going to do the FF6 thing which is way overdone try to make it diffrent from the rest. Also try to make it make sense to people who have never played FF6 If you need an example I think I reviewed an FF6 movie I liked because it was Kefka-free. Check it out.
Anyway GL for your next episode.

Tootbook responds:

One thing i dont wanna run into is. "OMG I VOYCE AKTEUD FOOR YOO LOL, MY AWARD TUU." I'd enjoy having my own awards for once, and this is the only movie i have where i havent co-authored anyone yet. but I'll probly have favors done for me wich will result in giving up my lone win. I just dont know how to make the interactivity like that guy does in CT unglued. I think my next eppy is gonna be more comedy based, cuz my storys would rule if i had some comedy and not. "OMG JOO KILLZORD MY FAMLIZOR!" or some shit like that. I've already told you what I am probly gonna end the series with lol. I think i'm gonna hold back the "going all out thing" until part 7. I wanna learn how to animate fight scenes in my next eppy. Cuz this one was mainly about me learing AS. Thanks for the review crow. I look forward to seeing future works from ya.

-Tooth ( as you so like to put it )


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