I just don't know
Your humor needs work, you use the same kind of humor in all your movies. The character just randomly go off topic and do or say something completely random or silly (in most cases having to do with food) I'll give you an example
Camera Zooming in to Sauron's face talking in a deep voice: I'll destroy middle-earth if it's the last thing I do, my plan will be fool proof (insert cliche OF A cliche evil laugh making them gasp for air between laughing)...BUT FIRST GET ME MY PIZZA!!!
There you can use that joke for your next episode. I also never really did like your voice work (especially in this movie) but honestly, you couldn't have picked a worse person to do Gandalf, he doesn't sound old or anything. I don't even think the art & animation is very good in this, everything just seems to be made out of simple Circles.